TAKE A STAND (helpful hints)

Punk RoCk / SLACKER T-shirts to be made in Septemberish. Officially FOLLOW US now for your one chance to win the ONLY first ever SCOLL PR/slacker T-SHIRT! Replete with our Top Ten Secrets!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Analytics, Shmanalytics July 29

I just checked our google analytics and let me just say, it's a good thing we have secrets for you tonight!  The average time on our site today has been 12 seconds, down from an average of close to 5 minutes.  Twelve seconds?  So, before you click off, let me reassure you that we have secrets today and I'll be posting them post haste.  Not only that, tomorrow is, by all estimates, going to be a stellar day.  We'll be hitting the trail around 4:00 and we'll be there until 5:30 and just maybe we'll venture back out after 7 to give lemonade to the Friday Rasta Riders.    To the gentleman in the express lane at Safeway who said 20 cans of lemonade and 10 boxes of lemon bars and brownies were not more than 20 items because of the "rule of affinity", we can't make it by 3:30 tomorrow secondary to that dern work thang, but I'm hoping we'll catch you on Monday.  

Next week we're going to have more diversity in our hours and less 4 year old in our shadow thanks to a visit from Grandma!!  Which means better baked goods, too - if you can imagine that!  The Grandma quotient is the penultimate!


  1. We just lost both of my cats at a new house and I don't know if we are going to find them.
  2. I cheat at Scrabble - (I look at the dictionary.)
  3. I started Roller derby because I couldn't cut myself anymore but I keep doing it because I don't want to anymore.
  4. I cried while watching the movie "Dances with wolves".
  5. I eat lots of ice cream every night
  6. One time I cheated playing scrabble and flipped over some tiles to pretend they were blanks.
  7. What weighs 34 tons and swims in Glacier Bay, Alaska?
  8. I like my teacher a lot
  9. I used to let my dog sleep under my blanket with me and have him put his head on my pillow.
  10. Every time I bike I look for you guys now and am sad when you're not here!
  11. I like brussel sprouts
  12. I have serious self-esteem problems but I'm a diva on the outside.

Some Schmanalytics from July 24th, 2010 - July 29, 2010

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